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Home $ Firm News $ One thing every Kentucky motorcyclist should know

One thing every Kentucky motorcyclist should know

motorcyclistMotorcyclists in Kentucky are a small subset of people who regularly drive on the roads in the Commonwealth. Riding a bike is a lot of fun, but it naturally comes with a lot more risks, especially risk of injury or death when something goes wrong.

When the Kentucky General Assembly passed the Motor Vehicle Reparations Act more than thirty years ago, they understood that fact. The GA wrote some exceptions into those laws that don’t protect motorcyclists the same way they do other motorists. For example, insurance companies that write policies for motorcycles in Kentucky don’t have to include PIP coverage in the policy.

You might recall that PIP, which stands for Personal Injury Protection, and is also called no-fault or basic reparations benefits, pays for up to $10,000 in medical expenses or lost wages in Kentucky due to losses in a motor vehicle crash, no matter who is at fault. That is mandatory coverage for every motor vehicle owner in the state, unless that motor vehicle is a motorcycle.

The practical effect of not requiring PIP coverage for motorcycles is that if you’re a biker and you get hurt, you’re on your own for paying for medical expenses and eating your lost wages. You can recover those expenses later on from the person responsible for causing the accident, but not before you’ve potentially gone in the red covering those expenses yourself.

PIP may be an optional coverage you can purchase from your auto insurer, however. If you own a motorcycle and don’t have PIP coverage, call your agent today and buy some.

If you or someone you know has been hurt in an motorcycle crash and doesn’t know where to turn, call Neal & Davis at 502-633-6002 for the most trusted legal advice around. The first consultation is free.